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Facial solutions available to patients near Huntington Beach, CA by quality plastic surgeon

Patients seeking a quality plastic surgeon near the Huntington Beach, CA area can schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Thuan Nguyen of Orange County Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Center. At our practice, we work closely with patients to improve their aesthetic appearance, so they feel confident and youthful.

Patients who are struggling with fine lines and wrinkles due to aging or want to improve their skin’s texture or tone can do so with the team at our state-of-the-art plastic surgery center. Dr. Thuan Nguyen listens to patients to determine their specific needs, especially when considering alterations to the facial area. Below are some of the most popular facial treatments available in our practice.

Facial Lifts
While patients can undergo a full facelift, there are specific areas that can also be completed to address specific portions of the face. A full facelift pulls all the skin upwards into the hairline. However, a forehead lift works on reducing the skin laxity and wrinkles on the upper third of the face while a neck lift targets the lower portion, specifically the jowls.

Sometimes the upper and lower eyelids can sag due to genetics, aging, or environmental factors. This can result in bags around the eyes or drooping upper eyelids. Blepharoplasty is a treatment that can address this skin and allow patients to look not only more youthful, but well-rested.

Botox Injections
Botox is a cosmetic injectable used to address wrinkles and folds typically around the upper portion of the face. Patients can utilize these for a non-invasive solution for mild to moderate aging.

Nose Surgery
The contours of the nose may be less than attractive, especially when they result from genetics. Addressing an unattractive nose can be done with nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty.

Dermabrasion & Chemical Peels
Also provided by dermatologists, dermabrasion and chemical peels can address the texture and tone of the facial skin while combating the signs of aging, sun exposure, and hyperpigmentation.

Ear Surgery
Patients with misshapen ears, large ears, asymmetrical ears, or protruding ears may strongly consider the harmony and balance a procedure such as otoplasty can provide. This surgical procedure addresses imperfections in the ears that are either caused by trauma or result from genetics.

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Dr. Thomas T. Nguyen board certified plastic surgeon Fountain Valley, CA A Magna cum Laude graduate from Millsaps College, Dr. Thomas T. Nguyen is a board certified plastic surgeon. He brings with him a plethora of skill, expertise and knowledge given his 20 plus years of experience in the field.

Dr. Nguyen is presently the medical director of Orange County Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Center. He has engaged in research and contributed to many medical publications and continues to be deeply passionate about providing the best possible treatment for his patients.
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